Tag : carb

XT500 VM32SS Mikuni carburetor 1T2 60 parts


The position of the carburettor confused me at first. The choke lever touched the frame when it was up (OFF) and even seemed to prevent it from reaching the OFF position completely. I tried turning the carburettor so that the top turned to the left. But then it was pushed against the cable tie/bracket on the frame and the choke lever was still touching the frame. It also needed a better connection to the airbox (as mentioned in this post). […]

XT500 air box

Air Box

12 June 2020 After using WD40 and an impact driver I was able to remove the battery box and air box, and discovered perhaps why there was an idle problem, as the above photo shows. This is a common problem with the XT500, the connection from the box to carb cracks and brakes off, sometimes because the owner tries to squeeze in the carb without loosening all the mounting points of the air box. But maybe also due to the […]